Communities filled with great hope for the future.

Our vision:

To bring hope to children and their families by meeting basic physical, spiritual, and emotional needs, while providing the opportunity to experience the gospel through local ministries.

Our mission:

A Better Hope was born out of our desire for every person, who is made in the Image of God, to experience the love of Christ.

We know that addressing physical needs allows for us to address spiritual, emotional and social needs.

By providing basic human needs, such as feeding children or bringing emergency supplies to cities impacted by natural disasters, we believe we can make an eternal impact by offering the hope of Christ while meeting tangible needs.

We are confident in the transforming power of Jesus and aspire to give Him glory through actively meeting the needs of His people.

About A Better Hope:

Our Strategy:

Meeting needs with a message of hope.

We partner with local, Christ-centered ministries to ensure our communities are being cared for on a daily basis by people who understand their culture and circumstances.

We believe leaders cannot pour out from an empty cup and, therefore, focus on equipping our staff and providing the support they need to be able to thrive in their roles.

Along with our sponsorship program, we are committed to raising the financial funds needed to cover immediate physical needs, such as infrastructural repairs to medical emergency needs.